Writing 359, via Joel

Brunswick Junior High School
Brunswick, Maine, USA 04011
Men's restroom, 1st floor

Fuck me suck me,
make me bleed.
Kinky sex,
is what i need.

I read this above a urinal one day back in junior high. I'll never foget it. Nor will I forget how hard it is to pee while laughing hysterically, or the strange looks people gave me when I walked out, still chuckling to myself.

Writing 358, via Bubba

Hotel Lobby Restroom
Illinois USA
Men's restroom, 1st floor

Some come here to sit and think,
some come here to shit and stink,
but I come here to itch my balls,
and read the writing on the walls.

I thought this was a funny poem...

Writing 357, via Shaggy

Veronica Hall, Alvernia College
Reading, Pennsylvania USA 19607
Men's restroom, in the basement/dungeon

On the ceiling above the toilet seat.

Your shit must feel real good if your looking up here.

I looked at this writing every day of my freshman year. No idea who put it there.

Writing 356, via Loren

Tara Anglican School for Girls
Sydney, NSW Australia 2151
Women's restroom, 2nd floor

If you tinkle and you sprinkle,
Be a sweetie wipe the seatie

Just thought it was a cute rhyme for a chicks bathroom.

Writing 355, via Sharrell

Dreamgirls Strip Club
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Women's restroom, 1st and only floor

Brenda fucked my man
She fucked mine too!
Who's your man?
Jayvon- I'll kick her ass
I'm gonna kick YOUR ass-Jayvon's my man's name!!!!!

This last has to be from Brenda herself:

Stop flattening my tires you stoopid hoes- u see hes not no good

And under THAT:

And now I'M fuckin him! Trish

And finally:

jokes on all of you- he gave my clamidia!!! Betsie

Betsie was the only female bouncer in the place, and everyone was scared of her — so they barred Jayvon (who really WAS sleeping with half of the dancers) and all stripped happily ever after!

Writing 354, via Mr. Business

Sportsmans' Park Restrooms
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Men's restroom, 1st floor

For a good conversation, meet here at 2:50pm on July 10.
Look for a maroon van.

Known locally as "Peter Park" because the homosexual perverts (not to say all homosexuals are perverts, just the twisted, child molesting ones) like to meet there, I found myself in that bathroom, on that day, at 2:47 PM. I cannot describe the abject horror I felt. I peed on myself in my haste to exit the bathroom, and sure enough, a maroon minivan pulled up at 2:49 and a suspicious pervert got out and checked the bathroom. If you have ever seen Dumb and Dumber, you can't even imagine the terror of the truckstop bathrooom scene.

Writing 353, via Diane

John Yeats Middle School
Suffolk, Virginia USA 23435
Women's restroom, 1st and only

Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity.

Writing 352, via Diane

John Yeats Middle School
Suffolk, Virginia USA 23435
Women's restroom, 1st and only floor

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but whips and chains excite me,
So... throw me down,
and tie me up and show me that you like me.

I saw it and I loved it.

Writing 351, via Tottie

Ohio USA
Women's restroom, 1st floor


I noticed it while I was on the toilet and it really grossed me out... I think it meant that that chick had sex in the stall.

Writing 350, via Jen

Clear Run Intermediate School
Tobyhanna, PA, USA 18466
Women's restroom, 2nd floor

Here I sit I'm at a loss
Trying to shit out taco sauce
I know I'm gonna drop a load
I only hope I don't explode

This only stayed for a little while, but it made me laugh. Gotta love those cafeteria tacos!

Writing 349, via Buckethead

Rest Stop
Somewhere in Ohio USA
Men's restroom, 1st floor

You are at a 45 degree angle.

This inscription was located in the bottom front corner of the stall, in small enough print that you had to bend over to read it.

Writing 348, via Alx

Tucson, Arizona USA 85715
Men's restroom, 3rd




Brilliant in its subtlety.

Writing 347, via Jacklyn

Oak Ridge High School
The Woodlands, Texas USA 77382
Women's restroom, 1st and only floor

jessica loves michael


so it was u!!!

Apparently someone was cheating on his girlfriend...and she found out!

Writing 346, via Rayray

Coop H.S.
New Haven, Connecticut USA 06510
Women's restroom, 3rd floor

In the handicap stall, the right-hand corner by the door,

Suck my balls

And underneath it, in different handwriting,

If you have balls then why are you in the girl's bathroom?

I guess the person who wrote the reply hadn't been in Coop long enough to hear tales of "The Boom-Boom Room."

Writing 345, via Rayray

A building belonging to Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut USA 06510
Women's restroom, basement floor

Mmm... Pussy

And right underneath it;

Maturity... ain't it grand?

I guess Yalies are no different from everyone else.

Writing 344, via Zack

Mr. P Potty
Calgary, Alberta CANADA V2P LR5
Men's restroom, dirt ground porto potty, (slighty elevated)

I see you taking that shit!
Now put it back.

My presumptions would be that when you are being secretly observed doing your business it's nice to know that the onlooker is at least kind enough to let you know about it.

Writing 343, via Tim

Jackson, Mississippi USA 39641
Unisex restroom, ground floor

A womans ass and a wine glass will leave a man scratching a broke ass.

Wrote by my dad as words of wisdom to all us young guys.

Writing 342, via Anonymous

Lowe's Hardware
Waycross, Georgia USA 31501
Men's restroom, 1st floor

These colors never run.

Written in black magic marker below an attempt to draw a U.S. flag, also in black magic marker, on a beige background, with far too few stars and only six stripes.

Writing 341, via Anonymous

The Top
Gainesville, Florida USA 32601
Men's restroom, 1st floor


Written in an odd yellow glittery permanent marker.

Writing 340, via Anonymous

Downtown Library
Gainesville, Florida USA 32601
Men's restroom, 1st floor


Apparently someone took issue with the proselytizing.

Writing 339, via Katrina

Concordia University
Buetow Music Building
St. Paul, Minnesota USA 55104
Women's restroom, 1st floor

i love brian!
apparently not enough to keep from defacing a bathroom stall.

The second was written underneath the first, in different handwriting that looked like a professor's.

Writing 338, via Laura

Raleigh, North Carolina USA 27606
Women's restroom, 1st floor

A kiss is two questions answered at once.

Writing 337, via DIK

Construction Site
Irvine, California USA
Unisex restroom, 1st floor

Don't eat the white mint.

This was on the wall of a "porta-potty" on a construction site.

Writing 336, via Joanna

University College Dublin
Library building
Dublin IRELAND 01
Women's restroom, 2nd floor

Written on the left wall:

look right

Written on the right wall:

look left

This could keep you going for awhile!

Writing 335, via David

Outside main Palace
Tikrit IRAQ 09036
Unisex restroom

Everybody pisses on the floor. be a hero and shit on the ceiling

Got to love the minds of our nation's soldiers. So inventive.

Janitor's note: Wow, our first entry from a soldier in Iraq (?)!

Writing 334, via Lance

Spokane, Washington USA
Men's restroom, 1st floor



Explanation from The Daily Farmer:

This is a reference to an Adam Sandler CD [They're All Gonna Laugh At You] bit about a fat kid who wheezes so loud when he climbs stairs that the fire dept. thinks that it is a fire alarm. When they realize that it is just the kid, they say... "Oh Fatty McGee, you're that fattest!"

Writing 333, via Sarah

Humptys Resturant
Calgary, Alberta CANADA 102-920
Women's restroom, 1st floor

I was here but now i'm not I sat right here and smoked some pot, I'm writing this to make a point, Lifes a bitch so smoke a joint

I agree!

Writing 332, via Doug

Hastings College
Music Building
Hastings, Nebraska USA 37076
Men's restroom, main floor

Written on tank next to handle:

Please wiggle Handel

Written below it:

If I do, will it wiggle Bach?

Being a music student at the time, I found this to be clever and have always remembered it.

Writing 331, via Crazy Ed

Georgia Southern University
Henderson Library
Statesboro, Georgia USA 30460
Men's restroom, bottom floor

Make me a Taco Bitch!

Below writing in a different pen:

Okay, you're a Taco Bitch. Happy?

When you leave out the comma the meaning is not the same. English Majors tend to remind us of this.

Writing 330, via Joe

Circuit Court Montgomery County
Rockville, Maryland USA 20850
Men's restroom, 1st floor



Writing 329, via Tammy

Shari's Restaurant
Shoreline, Washington USA 98133
Women's restroom, only floor

here I sit all broken hearted
tried to shit but only farted
then one day I took a chance
tried to fart and shit my pants

Saw the first half already posted on here... has been one of my favorite stall writings for a few years now.

Writing 328, via Natalie

Vines High School
Plano, Texas USA
Women's restroom, 1st floor

Here I sit
Came to shit
But only farted

I laughed so hard I almost fell in...

Writing 327, via Arokthis

University of New Hampshire
Whittimore Center Arena
Durham, New Hampshire USA 03824
Women's restroom, main floor

My copy of "How to serve man" is missing. Has anyone seen it? Jen

This was found just after a meeting of science fiction geeks had left. There is a story that boils down to this: Aliens show up, end all wars, make everyone healthy and strong. Someone notices a book all of the aliens carry and asks what it is, hears "How to serve man" and asks for translated copy. Turns out to be a cookbook.

Writing 326, via Ken

Barracks, Sheppard Air Force Base
Wichita Falls, Texas USA
Men's restroom, 1st floor

On the wall of the stall:

anybody can piss on the floor..to inpress me, be a hero and shit on the ceiling

And someone had thrown something brown up on the ceiling and then left this message:

OK. I'm a hero, now where's my medal!

This was back in 1971 and I thought it was funny as hell...

Writing 325, via Geoff

University of East Anglia
Science Block
Norwich UK NR4 7TJ
Men's restroom, 1st floor

I was visiting UEA (University of East Anglia) and found this gem on the wall of the stall.

Don't beam me up Scottie, I'm having a Sh

The thought of Jim squatting on the transporter pad just made me ache with laughter.

Writing 324, via Roxanne

Reggies Sandwich Factory
Barrie, Ontario CANADA N6E 1R7
Women's restroom, 2nd floor

have you found that sex lately has been a pain in the ass?
well turn around! you're doing it the wrong way!!

Written below:


The meaning is obvious, however these were stalls known for sexual conquests.

Writing 323, via Eddie

Australia Square
Men's restroom, 14th floor

Free Chile


With every hamburger

Writing 322, via Rick

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stratton Student Center
Cambridge, Massachusetts USA 02139
Men's restroom, ground floor

America lost its viginity in Viet Nam.
... and got the clap too.
hey, I got the clap in Viet Nam.
You should watch who you go out with.

Circa 1972. Each line in a different hand. Took several weeks to complete.

Writing 321, via Tim

Franklin High School, 300 building
Franklin, Virginia USA 23851
Men's restroom

Why are you staring at the wall.... the joke is in your hand

Creative for teenagers.

Writing 320, via The Mad Shrubber

Milton, Florida USA 32583
Unisex restroom, floor: ground

This toilet paper is like John Wayne. Tough as nails and dont take shit off nobody.

A classic, and one of the best in my opinion.

Writing 319, via Metrognome

Pasadena College
Pasadena, California USA 91755
Men's restroom

a man must have great ambition in life to have to write his name on the wall of a bathroom stall

I noticed this writen on the wall after i tagged my name... Made me think.

Writing 318, via Shoopie

Food 4 Less
Carson, California USA 90243
Women's restroom, 1st floor

On a sign that said "Please wash your hands completely clean" someone wrote:

how? there's no soap!

Damn cheap bathrooms.

Writing 317, via Joe

George Washington Bus Terminal
New York, New York USA 10033
Men's restroom, 2nd floor

Written in a red sharpie:

"God is Dead" - Fred

Written in a black sharpie:

Fred is Dead,....GOD!

Probably means an atheist with no invisable [sic] means of support. :-)

My guess is that it don't pay to piss off God in the urinal.

[Note from a Stall visitor: "Fred" is referring to Frederick Nieztche, the philosopher, who said, "God is dead."]

Writing 316, via Ralph

Outhouse - in a city park
Charlotte, Michigan USA 48823
Unisex restroom

This is a tee pee
for a pee pee.
Not a wig wam
to beat your tom-tom.

I read this back in the 1950's when I was in grade school. It took a few years before I would grasp the meaning of it.

Writing 315, via Chuck

Polaris Mall
Port-a-john during construction
Columbus, Ohio USA 43023
Men's restroom

OSHA regulation 42-2 : All turds over 6 inches must be hand lowered.

Safety is always an issue on large construction sites.

The Writings on the Stall Archive

More entries located in the Men's, Unisex and Women's archives.